Monday, June 21, 2010

Snack #127 - Deep Fried Jalapeno Chips

Pictured above, you will see one of the tastiest spicy snacks I have had the privilege to eat in quite some time. If you ever find yourself in Atlanta, Georgia - you MUST go to Fox Brothers BBQ.

These deep fried pickled jalapeno chips were just the right blend of tangy, crunchy, and spicy. And let me tell you, they got pretty spicy, a definite heat build-up. Nothing a cool dip of ranch couldn't fix though. I literally cannot say enough about these little morsels of goodness. You'll have to try them for yourself.

And the barbecue was really delicious too.

Rating on the Spice-O-Meter: 7/10
Bottom Line: reason enough to go to Atlanta


  1. Yeah---great to see you both back on board!

  2. I live just outside Atlanta and I will back this. I've since made my own and put them on a horrifically obscene burger.

    It wouldn't have been the same without them.

    Cheers Hot Chicks!
    Matt Kay
