Monday, April 19, 2010

Snack #116- Wise Cheez Doodles Crunchy Jalapeño Cheddar Cheese Flavored Corn Snacks

Wise Cheez Doodles Crunchy Jalapeño Cheddar Cheese Flavored Corn Snacks

At first we were confused about why the package said ‘crunchy’ but it turns out that these are more of what we’ve categorized as a corn ‘crunchie’ than a ‘doodle’- meaning thinner and crunchier than the average corn puff. The flavor is pretty sweet with a distinct artificial cheese flavor and a slight jalapeño flavor. The pepper flavor is pretty authentic and there is a slight kick but overall they are not too impressive. Two boys who helped rate these said they would buy them at the store but any person with discerning taste would recognize a run-of-the-mill fake cheese puffed corn snack.

Rating on the Spice-O-Meter: 1/10

Bottom Line: Standard gross crunchies.

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