Monday, September 1, 2008

Snack #60- Sabemas Tortillitas De Maiz Sabor Chile Jalapeño (Jalapeño flavored tortilla chips)

Sabemas Tortillitas De Maiz Sabor Chile Jalapeño (Jalapeño flavored tortilla chips)

These chips are very similar to the preceeding ones but they are slightly different. They have less of a tortilla chip texture and are lighter and fluffier. The only American equivalent I can think of is a Bugle. They crunch well but are crispier than tortilla chips. The flavor is stronger than the PRO chips, they taste more like jalapeño and onion and garlic and overall have an enjoyable flavor. They are tasty and crispy and a nice snack, although they are also not spicy. Costa Rica just doesn’t have spicy snacks it seems.

Bottom Line: Light and crispy tortilla chips
Rating on the Spice-O-Meter: 1/10

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