Friday, June 13, 2008

Snack #41- Jack’s Twisters Fiery Hot Cheez Curls

Jack’s Twisters Fiery Hot Cheez Curls

So I have moved on from Ann Arbor and decided to take the plunge and move to Costa Rica for a year. I will be studying capuchin monkeys in a dry jungle in the Guanacaste region but on my days off I plan to scour the local supermarkets and pulperias. So here is my first entry from Central America, and hopefully we can expand the Spicy Snackz fanbase into the rest of the Americas! These snacks are labeled as “cheez curls pepper and cheese”, and that is pretty much what they taste like. They look a lot like Cheetos and also taste similar, but not as cheesy. In general they have less flavoring on the outside and therefore don’t make your hands as orange as Cheetos do. They taste somewhat cheesy and somewhat peppery, but neither flavor is very strong. The ingredients include cayenne pepper, which is pretty much what the pepper flavor is like. There is a cumulative heat when a few are eaten, which builds up in the back of the throat. Overall, not as spicy as I expected from Central America, but they are a Costa Rica company and Costa Rica seems to be less interested in spicy foods than other countries around here. And in a side note, the house cat here seems to enjoy them as well.

Rating on the Spice-O-Meter: 3/10
Bottom Line: Light, crunchy Cheeto-like pepper-flavored crunchies

PS Check out the Spicy Caption Contest below!

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