These chips immediately have a really strong flavor, sort of sweet and oniony but also definitely jalapeno. They are also very, very salty, which actually detracts from the other tasty spices on these chips. In fact the second ingredient after potatoes in these chips is salt. They are kettle cooked but they are not as thick as some kettle styles, just a little thicker than normal chips. They are very crunchy, though, as would be expected from a kettle chip. Overall the heat of these chips is seriously lacking though, I know there must be some sort of balance of flavors to make a good chip but if they had replaced some of the salt with more jalapeno seasoning I think they could have been spicier and more delicious. The heat is never really there, it doesn’t build up and it’s pretty much just a little tingle.
Rating on the Spice-O-Meter: 2/10
Bottom Line: Salty and delicious but not hot.