Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Snack #22- Lay's Flamin' Hot flavored Potato Chips

Lay's Flamin' Hot flavored Potato Chips

These chips have some bright red seasoning on them, and they start out pretty hot. They build up heat pretty quickly as well, and the back of your mouth will start burning. In terms of an actual flavor, it seems like they are just hot and spicy, no distinguishable flavor. The texture is light and crisp, a nice thin potato chip. The flavor is not as sweet as some others, probably because there is no barbeque aspect to the flavor.

Rating on the Spice-O-Meter: 7/10

Bottom Line: Pretty hot, a little barbeque.


  1. Man I love these, always buy a bag at Wal-Mart or anyplace I got that has them. Lay's rocks.

  2. I love the flamin hot Lay's too. I can find them in any Wal-Mart in Oklahoma but nowhere in NYC or anywhere on the east coast. Please start shipping them to NYC stores!
