Monday, April 14, 2008

Snack #1- Jays XTRA HOT STUFF Ridged Potato Chips

Jays XTRA HOT STUFF Ridged Potato Chips

This chip has an initial flavor that is very sweet and smoky barbeque, but don't let that throw you off. The afterburn is pure back-of-the-throat burn. The heat sneaks up after the initial smoky flavor but thankfully quickly subsides. The crunchy ridges make room for more flavor, a stronger kick of hotness. Overall a tasty chip that is easy to eat because the short duration of the burn allows for faster consumption without cumulative heat.

Rating on the Spice-O-Meter: 7/10

Bottom Line: Sneaky heat that doesn't last.


  1. I love these chips! They are hot and tasty; better than lay's hot chips. I married someone on Chicago and these chips are one of my best memories. I don't love my ex but I still love Jay's hot stuff!

  2. maybe since I've only eaten two bags (no not all at once) and the heat from the chips is quite extreme for me. I enjoy hot foods hence the reason I tried them. But I find the initial heatwave to come on after the first chip is gone....and continues for quite some time after. never the less I continue to eat them. : )

  3. Fully appreciate the value you are providing here.
    jays cheese wheels

  4. Please bring these back or at lest let me order my own

  5. Yes need these to come back the regular hot stuff are not hot like they used to be.
